There have been speculations and discussions around Gwyneth Paltrow potentially “disappearing” if she decides to sell her lifestyle brand, Goop.

While Goop is not currently up for sale, Gwyneth Paltrow has mentioned having an exit plan for when that day eventually comes. In an interview with Bustle to promote her new skincare line, good. Clean. goop, the actress and entrepreneur brought up the idea of “disappearing” multiple times. The interviewer suggested that Paltrow might become “the person who teaches us all how to head into our 70s and 80s with grace.”

“I’ll probably try, knowing myself. Or I might be like, ‘F**k this,’” Paltrow joked. “I might just disappear, and no one will ever see me again.”

Going off the radar once again came up when Paltrow was asked, “So who’s going to buy Goop and make you hundreds of millions of dollars?”

“I have no idea. We’re not ready to sell yet. I need a few more years,” Paltrow said.

When the writer then suggested that the star might “make a dramatic exit on your 55th birthday,” Paltrow said she’d “be happy with that.”

“I will literally disappear from public life,” she said. “No one will ever see me again.”

We will leave it to you to decide if Paltrow means it or was just talking a lot of goop.

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