The series “The Railway Men,” starring R. Madhavan and Kay Kay Menon, is set to be released on Netflix in November.

The series “The Railway Men,” featuring R. Madhavan and Kay Kay Menon, is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on November 18. This show, directed by debut filmmaker Shiv Rawail, is produced by Yash Raj Films’ digital arm, YRF Entertainment. In addition to the leading actors, Divyenndu and Babil Khan play pivotal roles in the series.

Set against the backdrop of the 1984 Bhopal Gas Leak, considered the world’s worst industrial disaster, “The Railway Men” is inspired by true stories and is described as a thrilling account of courage and a tribute to humanity.

“The Railway Men” delivers a touching narrative about the unsung heroes – the railway employees of India, who went above and beyond their duty, making extraordinary efforts to save the lives of countless innocent citizens trapped in a city in distress. This series marks the initial result of the creative partnership between Netflix and Yash Raj Films (YRF) and is scripted by Aayush Gupta.

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