Learn about Sharad Purnima 2023, including its date, history, significance, and how it is celebrated.

Sharad Purnima 2023: From history to date and time, here’s all that you need to know about the special day.

Sharad Purnima 2023 is a highly auspicious day that falls during the festive season. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country. Women observe fasts and offer prayers to God Chandra during this period. Sharad Purnima, also known as Sharad Poonam, Raas Purnima, and Ashwin Purnima, is celebrated on the full moon day and is considered an ideal time for performing sacred rituals. This information provides an overview of Sharad Purnima’s significance and the various names by which it is known.

Date and Time: According to Drik Panchang, Sharad Purnima is slated to be celebrated on October 28. The Purnima Tithi will commence at 4:17 AM on October 28 and conclude at 1:53 AM on October 29.

History: Sharad Purnima is believed to be the day when the moon displays all sixteen kalas, each of which represents a human quality. Achieving all sixteen kalas is thought to make a person complete, and it is said that only Lord Krishna possessed all sixteen kalas, while Lord Rama had twelve. In the region of Brij, Sharad Purnima is observed as Raas Purnima. According to Hindu mythology, on the night of Raas Purnima, Lord Krishna performed Maha-Raas, the dance of divine love. It is believed that on this night, upon hearing the enchanting sound of Lord Krishna’s flute, the gopis left their homes and families to join the Lord in an ecstatic dance that continued throughout the night.

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