Air passengers have received significant news regarding the extension of visa validity. Certain types of visas can now be extended for an additional 30 days. However, after the visa expires, a fine will be imposed.

To extend the validity of a one-time visit Visa in the United Arab Emirates, the process involves the visa sponsor. If a traveler initially applied for the visa through a tourist agency, they will need to contact the same tourist agency to request an extension. It’s important to note that individuals who remain in the UAE after the visa has expired will be subject to fines.

If a traveler wishes to stay in the UAE for an extended period, they must exit the country and then re-enter. For information related to visa applications and extensions, individuals can reach out to the ICP customer happiness center at 600 522222 or the Amer contact center at 800 5111. This information outlines the procedure for extending the validity of a Time Visit Visa in the UAE and provides contact details for inquiries.

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