India Appeals Urgently for 8 Navy Veterans Facing Death Row in Qatar

The eight include decorated officers who once commanded major Indian warships, and were working for Dahra Global Technologies and Consultancy Services.

In a critical development, India has officially filed an appeal with Qatar concerning the death penalty imposed on eight former Navy personnel. These individuals were arrested in August the previous year for reasons that are still undisclosed, and they were sentenced just last month. Arindam Bagchi, the spokesperson for India’s Ministry of External Affairs, confirmed this appeal during a press briefing, stating that detailed case information remains undisclosed, as the judgment is confidential and has only been shared with the legal team. He further emphasized that India is actively engaging with the families of the eight Naval officers, and External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar had previously met with the families in Delhi. India is committed to providing all necessary legal and consular support, and Bagchi urged against engaging in speculation regarding this sensitive matter.

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