Tara Sutaria takes on the titular role in the trailer of “Apurva,” a hostage drama. The trailer also showcases Rajpal Yadav as a menacing and intense character.

Nikhil Nagesh Bhat’s Apurva, also starring Abhishek Banerjee and Dhairya Karwa, will be released on Disney+ Hotstar on November 15.

Following the release of the captivating first look, the creators of the intense survival thriller “Apurva,” featuring Tara Sutaria, have unveiled the trailer. Directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat, “Apurva” is described as the tale of an ordinary girl confronted with extraordinary circumstances, determined to do whatever it takes to survive. The movie also stars Rajpal Yadav, Abhishek Banerjee, and Dhairya Karwa in significant roles.

The trailer starts with Tara’s character, who is madly in love with to-be husband, Siddharth (Dhairya Karwa). Their romantic life drastically changes when Apurva gets kidnapped. The engrossing visuals showcase a dramatically raw and fierce transformation of Tara, who draws onto her inner strength to survive and live.

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