The trailer for Seema Haider’s film ‘Karachi To Noida’ has been released, creating a stir in just 3 minutes.

The trailer for the film “Karachi To Noida,” directed by Jayant Sinha and produced by Amit Jani and Bharti Singh, has been released. The 3-minute trailer features Seema Haider in the role of Saima Haider, while Ehsan Khan plays the character of Gulam Haider. The trailer has created a buzz and has been gaining views rapidly.

In this brief trailer, some dialogues have been spoken that may be controversial. Seema Haider is portrayed not as an ISI agent but as an agent of RAW (Research and Analysis Wing), which led to a controversy when this became known in Pakistan. Before the revelation in Pakistan, Seema escapes to India and is seen living among the people.

The film also features Farheen Falak as Seema Haider, Sachin Meena as Aditya Raghav, Rohit Choudhary as Karachi Police Commissioner (Major Malik), and Yaya Khan as Manoj Bakshi, a Pakistani Army officer.

Seema Haider’s character in the movie is based on a real-life story where she entered India via Nepal. According to her, she had a friendship with Sachin while playing the game of PUBG. Subsequently, they started communicating, and after leaving her husband and four children behind in Saudi Arabia, Seema came to India via the Kathmandu route.

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