Two Legends will work together after 33 Years !!

Rajinikanth expressed his excitement about working with his former co-star and ‘mentor,’ Amitabh Bachchan in his upcoming untitled movie, Thalaivar 170. He took to Twitter to share a picture from the sets, showing himself in a white shirt and a wig, with a beaming smile. Standing next to him is Amitabh Bachchan, who is wearing a pink and blue jacket along with large glasses.

Rajinikanth captioned the image by saying, “After 33 years, I am working again with my mentor, the phenomenon, Shri Amitabh Bachchan in the upcoming Lyca’s ‘Thalaivar 170’ directed by T.J Gnanavel. My heart is thumping with joy!”

The reunion of these two iconic actors has certainly created a buzz among their fans and the film industry.

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