Unmasking a Medical Scam: Deception, Fraud, and Tragedy Unveiled in South Delhi’s Fake Doctor Operation

Four people were arrested in connection with the deaths of two patients who underwent surgeries at a clinic in the south Delhi locality.

In Delhi’s upscale Greater Kailash area, a shocking incident has been brought to light involving two doctors, a woman posing as a surgeon, a laboratory technician, and the unfortunate demise of several patients. The Delhi Police arrested three individuals – Dr. Neeraj Agarwal, his wife Pooja Agarwal, and Dr. Jaspreet Singh, along with former laboratory technician Mahender Singh on Tuesday in connection with the deaths of two patients who underwent surgeries at a local clinic.

A patient named Asghar Ali, admitted to the clinic in 2022 for gallbladder treatment, was initially informed that Dr. Jaspreet, a qualified surgeon, would perform the surgery. However, just before the operation, Dr. Jaspreet was substituted by Pooja and Mahendra. Following the procedure, Mr. Ali experienced severe pain and was rushed to Safdarjung Hospital, where he was declared dead upon arrival.

Families of the deceased patients alleged that Dr. Agarwal, who operates the Agarwal Medical Centre, and three others conducted surgeries on vital organs without adhering to established medical protocols. They claimed that Dr. Agarwal, a physician, performs surgeries using fake documents.

An investigation uncovered nine complaints against Dr. Agarwal, Pooja, and the Agarwal Medical Centre since 2016. In seven instances, patients reportedly died due to medical negligence. DCP Chandan Chowdhary stated that a medical board identified numerous deficiencies during an examination of the medical centre on November 1. The investigation revealed Agarwal’s habitual falsification of documents related to patients’ treatment and surgery.

Authorities seized 414 prescription slips with only doctors’ signatures, two registers containing patient details for medical termination of pregnancy procedures, and unauthorized medications and injections. Additionally, they recovered expired surgical blades, original prescription slips, checkbooks from 47 banks, 54 ATM cards, passbooks from multiple post offices, and six POS terminal credit card machines from Agarwal’s residence and clinic.

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